ANABHĪ, a Jain hierarch, who, according to Purātan Janam Sākhī, met Gurū Nānak during his journey to the South. Anabhī addressed the Gurū thus : "Eatest thou corn, old or new, consumest thou parched gram, and drinkest thou cold water without filtering to ensure absence of living organisms; yet thou art called a Gurū. What merit dost thou possess if thou art constantly killing living beings?" Gurū Nānak, according to Purātan Janam Sākhi, recited verses saying :" By the Master's grace is faith fulfilled, " and not by "having the hair of one's head plucked, drinking befouled water and begging others for leftovers to eat. " Anabhī, says the Janam Sākhi, took the precept and became a disciple.
Gurnek Siṅgh