BAHEṚ, village 5 km east of Bassī Pathāṇāṅ (30º-42'N, 76º-25'B) in Paṭiālā district, has a historical shrine dedicated to Gurū Tegh Bahādur who, according to local tradition, made a brief halt here on his way from Nandpur-Kalauṛ to Dādū Mājrā-Bhāgṛānā. A monument existed here in the form of a platform until a regular shrine was built in recent years. The complex comprises a dīvān hall, a gateway, the Gurū kā Laṅgar and rooms for pilgrims. The main hall, with the sanctum in the middle of it, is topped over by a low dome. The Gurdwārā is managed by a village committee.


    Fauja Siṅgh, Gurū Tegh Bahādur : Yātrā Asthān, Paramparāvāṅ te Yād Chinn. Patiala, 1976

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)