BAHIṚVĀL, village in Chūṇīāṅ tahsīl (sub-division) of Lahore district of Pakistan, is sacred to Gurū Arjan (1563-1606), who once visited it during his travels in these parts. According to tradition, as the Gurū arrived here from Jambar in the north, he met a poor peasant, Hemā, at a well just outside the village and asked him for water to drink. Bhāī Hemā said, "The water of this well is brackish and not fit to drink. But I shall run to the village and fetch sweet water for you. " "No, brother, " said the Gurū, "You should not take the trouble. The water of this well would do. " It is said that the water drawn from the well was found to be sweet. Hemā fell at the Gurū's feet and sought instruction.

        Gurdwārā Pātshāhī V marked the site where the Gurū had sojourned. The building raised during the 1930's comprised a flat-roofed hall with a verandah in front, inside a walled compound entered through a high gateway. The Gurdwārā was administered by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, through a local committee. A largely-attended annual fair used to be held on the occasion of Poh sudī 7, the birth anniversary of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, falling in December-January. The Gurdwārā was abandoned in the wake of migrations caused by the partition of the Punjab in 1947.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)