BANĀRASĪ, MĀTĀ, grandmother of Gurū Nānak and mother of Bābā Kālū or Kaliāṇ Rāi, was the wife of Shiv Rām, resident of Talvaṇḍī Rāi Bhoi Kī, now called Nankāṇā Sāhib. She was the mother of two sons, Kālū and Lālū.

        See SHIV RĀM, BĀBĀ


  1. Kohlī, Surindar Siṅgh, ed. , Janamsākhī Bhāī Bālā. Chandigarh, 1975
  2. McLeod, W. H. , tr. , The B40 Janam-Sākhī. Amritsar, 1980
  3. Vīr Siṅgh, Bhāī, ed. , Purātan Janam Sākhī. Amritsar, 1982

Gurnek Siṅgh