BĀṆĪ BHAGATĀṄ SAṬĪK (saṭīk = exegesis or commentary) by Paṇḍit Tārā Siṅgh Narotam (q. v. ) is an exposition of thebāṇīor hymns of thebhaktasor saints (here the word implies contributors to the Gurū Granth Sāhib other than the Gurūs). The work was, according to inner evidence, completed in 1939 Bk/AD 1882 and the scribe was one Sundar Siṅgh. It was published in AD 1907 by Rāi Sāhib Munshī Gulāb Siṅgh and Sons, Lahore. The book is divided into two parts-the first part (pp. 386) covering the compositions of the bhaktas included in Sikh Scripture up to Rāga Gūjarī and the second (pp. 522) covering the rest of them. The book opens with an Introduction in which the author states that bhakta bāṇī, as included in the Gurū Granth Sāhib, was composed by Gurū Arjan himself on behalf of the different saints and sūfīs.

        Tārā Siṅgh Narotam's exposition is very detailed, even prolix. For instance, the exegesis of a śabda by Kabīr in Rāga Gauṛī runs into 15 pages (pp. 39-53), the author quoting in the process profusely from old Hindu scriptures. His interpretations are coloured by his Vedantic training and background.


    Shergill, Surinder Siṅgh, Paṇḍat Tārā Siṅgh Narotam : Jīvan te Rachanā. Patiala, 1985

Dharam Siṅgh