BANTĀ SIṄGH DHĀMĪĀṄ (1900-1923), Babar revolutionary, was born in 1900 at the village of Dhāmīāṅ Kalāṅ, in Jalandhar district. He went to the village primary school, and joined the army serving in the 55th Sikh Battalion for about three years. While in the army he came in contact with Babar Akālīs, whose creed of violence appealed to him. After his meeting with Jathedār Kishan Siṅgh Gaṛgajj and Bābū Santā Siṅgh on 16 February 1923, he resigned from the army and became a member of the action group of the Babar Akālī Jathā. He was party to the Jamsher railway station dacoity (3 March 1923), to the murder of Būṭā lambaṛdār of Naṅgal Shāmāṅ (11 March), and of Javālā Siṅgh, a notorious money-lender of Koṭlī Bāvādās (13 November), and in the second murderous attempt on the lives of Kābul Siṅgh and his father-in-law, Lābh Siṅgh, who had got Kishan Siṅgh Gaṛgajj arrested on 26 February 1923.

        On 12 December 1923 Jagat Siṅgh, of Muṇḍer village, in Jalandhar district, connived with the police for trapping Bantā Siṅgh, Varyām Siṅgh Dhuggā and Javālā Siṅgh of Fatehpur Koṭhī in a chaubārā (room on the first floor) in his village. The police operations were personally supervised by W. W. Jacob, the deputy commissioner of Jalandhar, upon whose orders the chaubārā was at last set afire. While trying to escape from the smouldering chaubārā, both Bantā Siṅgh and Javālā Siṅgh were killed, but their third companion, Varyām Siṅgh, succeeded in making good his escape.


  1. Nijjar, B. S. , History of the Babbar Akalis. Jalandhar, 1987
  2. Sundar Siṅgh, Babbar Akālī Lahir. Amritsar, 1970
  3. Nijjhar, Milkhā Siṅgh, Babar Akālī Lahir dā Itihās. Delhi, 1986

Kamlesh Mohan