BAṬHIṆḌĀ (30º-14'N, 74º-59'E), an old town in the Punjab, was called Vikramgaṛh during the pre-Muhammadan period. Tradition ascribes its foundation to Bhāṭī Rāo, a Rājput chief who also founded Bhaṭner, present Hanūmāngaṛh, in Rājāsthān. The two towns together commanding the area between Hissār and Bīkāner known as Bhaṭiāṇā, land of the Bhaṭṭīs, also commanded the Delhi-Multān route used by early Muslim invaders. The early Muslim historians refer to Baṭhiṇḍā as Tabar-i-Hind (lit. axe of India). Its great Fort with 36 bastions and turrets rising up to 118 feet above the ground level of the surrounding country, is said to have been constructed by Rājā Vinay Pāl. In 1754, the combined forces of Bhāī Gurbakhsh Siṅgh of the house of Bhāī Bhagatū and Ālā Siṅgh, founder of the Paṭiālā family, conquered Baṭhiṇḍā : During the time of Rājā Amar Siṅgh of Paṭiālā (1748-82), who occupied it in 1771, it became part of Paṭiālā state. Mahārājā Karam Siṅgh of Paṭiālā (1798-1845) named the town Gobindgaṛh after Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, though the old name, Baṭhiṇḍā remained in common use. According to Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, during his stay at Talvaṇḍī Sābo visited Baṭhiṇḍā in 1706 to survey the strategic importance of the Fort. He was told that the Fort had long been deserted, for a demon resided there. The Gurū entered the Fort with his Sikhs and the legend has since prevailed that he exiled the demon. Two shrines were established later - one inside the Fort where Gurū Gobind Siṅgh had put up, and the other outside it where the Sikhs were encamped.

        GURDWĀRĀ SĀHIB PĀTSHĀHĪ 10, QILĀ MUBĀRAK, inside the Fort, a 5-metre square domed sanctum, was constructed by Mahārājā Karam Siṅgh of Paṭiālā. Its interior is decorated with intricate designs in stucco, paint and inset work.

        GURDWĀRĀ GOBIND NAGAR PĀTSHĀHĪ 10, in the Hājī Ratan locality adjacent to the Muslim shrine of Hājī Ratan, was reconstructed during the 1970's. The main building is a mosaic-floored hall, with a square marbled sanctum marked off by arches in pīpal-leaf design topped by multi-coloured friezes. Above the sanctum are two storeys of square pavilions with a lotus dome on top. Both these Gurdwārās are managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee through a local committee. Recitation and kīrtan of gurbāṇī takes place morning and evening and all major Sikh anniversaries are marked by special dīvāns.


  1. Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gur Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Amritsar, n. d.
  2. Ṭhākar Siṅgh, Giānī, Srī Gurduāre Darshan. Amritsar, 1923
  3. Mālvā Desh Raṭan dī Sākhī Pothī. Amritsar, 1968

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)