BECHINT SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (1872-1921), one of the Nankāṇā Sāhib martyrs, was the son of Bhāī Sundar Siṅgh and Māī Sāhib Kaur, a peasant couple of the village of Pharālā in Jalandhar district. The family migrated to Chakk No. 258 Pharālā in the newly colonized district of Lyallpur in 1892. In 1907, while returning from Haridvār after immersing in the River Gaṅgā the ashes of his deceased wife, Bechint Siṅgh stayed for a couple of months at Amritsar where he came in contact with a holy man, Sant Kirpāl Siṅgh, at whose hands he took the pāhul of the Khālsā. He brought the Sant to his village where he lodged the latter in a room specially built for him on his farm. The Sant had the villagers raise a gurdwārā in the village. Bechint Siṅgh became a zealous Sikh and especially went to Mastūāṇā, near Saṅgrūr, to participate in kār-sevā in progress there under Sant Atar Siṅgh for raising a gurdwārā. He also volunteered to join the jathā or band of Sikhs who had offered to go to Delhi to rebuild one of the walls of Gurdwārā Rikābgañj demolished by the British or face death. He attended the Akālī' dīvān at Dhārovālī on 1-3 October 1920 and accompanied the jathā which proceeded straight from that meeting to Siālkoṭ for the liberation of Gurdwārā Bābe dī Ber. On 19 February 1921, Bechint Siṅgh with his cousin Ghanaīyā Siṅgh was at Chakk No. 91, district Sheikhūpurā for a condolence call when the jathā of Bhāī Lachhmaṇ Siṅgh was passing by on their way to Nankāṇā Sāhib. Both joined the jathā and attained martyrdom at Nankāṇā Sāhib on 20 February 1921.



    Shamsher, Gurbakhsh Siṅgh, Shāhīdī Jīvan. Nankana Sahib, 1938

Gurcharan Siṅgh Giānī