BHĀG SIṄGH, RĀI (d. 1884) was son of Rāi Kishan Chand Bhāṇḍārī who worked as a vakīl or agent under the Sikh government. In the beginning of 1838 when Rāi Kishan Chand accompanied Colonel Wade to Peshāwar, Bhāg Siṅgh officiated in his place as agent at Ludhiāṇā, in the British territory. After the first Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46), Bhāg Siṅgh took over as agent of the Lahore Darbār with the Commissioner of trans-Sutlej states; in 1848 he was awarded the title of Rāi and a dress of honour. Rāi Bhāg Siṅgh also received a jāgīr worth Rupees 2, 500. The jāgīr was resumed when the Punjab was annexed by the British in 1849. Rāi Bhāg Siṅgh was employed a tahsīldār by the British government for some time. He was a provincial Darbārī and remained an honorary magistrate of Baṭālā for 17 years. He was also the first president of the Baṭālā municipality. He refused appointment as extra assistant commissioner offered to him by Sir John Lawrence, then the Lt Governor of the Punjab. Rāi Bhāg Siṅgh died in 1884 at Baṭālā, leaving behind him a son named Kāṅshi Rām.


    Griffin, Lepel, and C. F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909

G. S. Nayyar