BHĀGBHARĪ, MĀĪ (d. 1614), of a Brāhmaṇ family of Srīnagar, was converted to the Sikh faith by Bhāī Mādho Soḍhī, sent by Gurū Arjan to preach in Kashmīr. As she grew old, she wished to have a glimpse of the Gurū before she died. Gurū Hargobind then occupied the spiritual throne of Gurū Nānak. Māī Bhāgbharī had stitched a role of homespun fabric which she longed to present to the Gurū personally, but she was too old to travel to distant Amritsar. As says Gurbilās Chhevīṅ Pātshāhī, Gurū Hargobind did visit Kashmīr and, reaching Srīnagar, he went straight to Māī Bhāgbharī's house in Hāthī Gate area. Bhāgbharī and her son, Sevā Dās, served the Gurū with devotion. The former was specially rejoiced to have this chance of making to the Gurū the offering of the robe she had so lovingly prepared. Her cherished wish having been fulfilled, she died a contented person soon afterwards.


  1. Gurbilās Chhevīn Pātshāhī. Patiala, 1970
  2. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā. Patiala, 1970

Bhagat Siṅgh