BHAṄGĀ SIṄGH (d. 1815), a prominent sardār of the Karoṛsiṅghīā chiefship, seized in January 1764, after the fall of Sirhind, the parganah of Pehovā along the bed of the River Sarasvatī, 22 km west of Thānesar. Later he captured Thānesar leaving Pehovā in the possession of his brother, Bhāg Siṅgh. Bhaṅgā Siṅgh and Bhāg Siṅgh commanded a force of 750 horse and 250 foot. In 1779, Bhaṅgā Siṅgh aligned himself with the Mughal chief, Abdul Ahd Khān, to recover his territory from Rājā Amar Siṅgh of Paṭiālā. In January 1786, Bhaṅgā Siṅgh along with other Sikh chiefs entered the Gaṅgā Doāb at the head of 5, 000 horse and ravaged Meerut, Hāpūṛ and Gaṛh Mukteshvar. In April 1789, Mahādjī Scindīā, regent of the Mughal empire, confirmed Bhaṅgā Siṅgh's right to rākhī or cess levied for protection in some of the areas under his influence. In January 1991, Bhaṅgā Siṅgh advanced up to Anūpshahar, a British cantonment on the Gaṅgā under the charge of Lt Col Robert Stuart. He captured the Colonel and brought him to Thānesar where he was confined for nine months in the fort before his release in October 1791 at the intercession of Lord Cornwallis, the British governor-general, and some Sikh and Mughal chiefs and on payment of sixty thousand rupees as ransom. In 1795 Bhaṅgā Siṅgh captured Karnāl and in 1799 he helped Rājā Bhāg Siṅgh of Jīnd against the attack of the Irish adventurer, George Thomas. Bhaṅgā Siṅgh joined hands with Lord Lake in attacking Delhi in September 1803 and was granted some additional territory. In 1806 he accompanied Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh on his return journey from Thānesar to the Sutlej and received from him a village in jāgīr in Talvaṇḍī parganah between Mogā and Fīrozpur.

        Sir Lepel Griffin has described Bhaṅgā Siṅgh as a man "of a most savage and untameable character, " and as "the fiercest and most feared of all the cis-Sutlej chiefs. " Bhaṅgā Siṅgh died in 1815 and was survived by his son, Fateh Siṅgh, and daughter, Karam Kaur, married to Mahārājā Karam Siṅgh of Paṭiālā, and wife, Hassāṅ. Fateh Siṅgh died in 1819 without issue, and one half of his territory was confiscated by the British while the other half remained with his mother, Hassān, who signed herself as Bhaṅgā Siṅgh in her correspondence with the British.


  1. Griffin, Lepel, The Rajas of the Punjab. Delhi, 1977
  2. Gupta, Hari Ram, History of the Sikhs, vol. III. Delhi, 1980

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā