BIKRAM SIṄGH BEDĪ, BĀBĀ (d. 1863), was the third and youngest son of Sāhib Siṅgh Bedī of Ūnā, a lineal descendant of Gurū Nānak. On Sāhib Siṅgh's death in 1834, Bikram Siṅgh succeeded to his father's jāgīrs and position as preceptor to royal family of Lahore. After the deaths of Mahārājā Khaṛak Siṅgh and Prince Nau Nihāl Siṅgh, Bābā Bikrām Siṅgh tried to bring about a reconciliation between Mahārājā Sher Siṅgh and his collateral Sandhāṅvālīā sardārs. Bābā Bikram Siṅgh felt irked when British troops were stationed at Lahore after the Anglo-Sikh war of 1845-46. He was a powerful jāgīrdār in the Jalandhar Doāb holding lands worth over two lakh of rupees comprising more than a dozen villages granted to him by Mahārājā Sher Siṅgh and Mahārājā Duleep Siṅgh, including the forts of Nūrpur, Gunāchaur and Dakkhṇī Sarāi. The British after the annexation of the Doāb in 1846 dispossessed him of arms, and reduced his jāgīrs. He, however, turned down the offer of a reduced pension and started organizing an armed opposition to the British in the hilly areas of the Śivāliks. Alarmed at his activities, Robert Cust, the deputy commissioner of Hoshiārpur, recommended to the commissioner of the Jalandhar Doāb, John Lawerence, that the Bābā be banished from the Punjab and sent to Haridvār. Bābā Bikram Siṅgh sent his emissaries to Dīwān Mūl Rāj of Multān and Sardār Chatar Siṅgh Aṭārīvālā, the governor of Hazārā, who had raised the banner of revolt against the British. In December 1848, he crossed the Beās at Srī Hargobindpur and joined forces with Rājā Sher Siṅgh Aṭārīvālā and fought the British in the battles of Chelīāṅvālā (13 January 1849) and Gujrāt (21 February 1849). He surrendered to the British along with the Aṭārīvālā sardārs at Rāwalpiṇḍī in March 1849. He was interned at Amritsar where he died in 1863.


  1. Griffin, Lepel, and C. F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1890
  2. Khushwant Siṅgh, Ranjit Singh Maharajah of the Punjab. Bombay, 1962
  3. Sobhā Rām, Gur-bilās Bābā Sāhib Siṅgh Bedī. Ed. Gurmukh Siṅgh. Patiala, 1988

J. S. Khurānā