BINOD SIṄGH, a Trehaṇ Khatrī in direct descent from Gurū Aṅgad, Nānak II, was a devoted disciple of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh and was among the few Sikhs who accompanied him to the South in 1708. He was chosen to be one of the five companions of Bandā Siṅgh (1670-1716) sent by the Gurū in 1708 from Nāndeḍ to the Punjab to chastise the persecutors of the Sikhs. Binod Siṅgh was Bandā Siṅgh's ally in the campaign he launched upon arrival in the Punjab. In the battle of Sirhind fought in May 1710, Binod Siṅgh commanded the left wing of Bandā Siṅgh's army. He was pitched against Sher Muhammad Khān of Malerkoṭlā who was commander of Sūbahdār Wazīr Khān's right wing. After Bandā Siṅgh's conquest of the province of Sirhind, the frontier district of Karnāl, bordering on Delhi territory, was entrusted to Binod Siṅgh. Soon thereafter, in October 1710, Binod Siṅgh had to fight four battles - the first at Tarāoṛī, 12 km north of Karnāl, second at Amīn, 25 km north of Karnāl, third at Thānesar, 8 km farther north, and the fourth at Shāhābād, 22 km north of Thānesar.

        In the schism in Bandā Siṅgh's ranks into Tatt Khālsā and Bandaī Sikhs in October 1714, Binod Siṅgh with his followers parted company with Bandā Siṅgh. He was, however, in two minds : he wanted to obey Mātā Sundarī's command, and at the same time was unwilling to fight against Bandā Siṅgh. He remained at Amritsar. He was taken to Gurdās Naṅgal in the Mughal army to fight on their side. There he tried to retire without fighting. No sooner had Binod Siṅgh started moving away at the head of his men than he was attacked by the imperial forces on all sides. According to Khāfī Khān three to four thousand of his men were killed. Binod Siṅgh is believed to have lost his life in this massacre, too. That was in 1716.


  1. Ganda Singh, Life of Banda Singh Bahadur. Amritsar, 1935
  2. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Panth Prakāsh [Reprint] . Patiala, 1970
  3. Padam, Piārā Siṅgh, and Giānī Garjā Siṅgh, eds. , Gurū kīāṅ Sākhīāṅ. Patiala, 1986

Gurdev Siṅgh Deol