CHABBĀ, a village 10 km south of Amritsar (31º- 38'N, 74º- 52'E) along Amritsar-Tarn Tāran road, has a historical shrine called Gurdwārā Saṅgrāṇā Sāhib. The Gurdwārā itself is so named because, according to local tradition, one of the battles (saṅgrām in Hindi and Punjabi) of Amritsar between Gurū Hargobind (1595-1644) and the Mughal troops was fought here. Another tradition connected with the place is that Sulakkhaṇī, a childless woman of the village, asked for and received a boon from Gurū Hargobind as a result of which she subsequently became the mother of seven sons. Local tradition also claims the place to have been consecrated by Gurū Arjan (1563-1606), who halted here for the night on his way to Amritsar along with pothīs or books containing the sacred hymns of his predecessors borrowed from Bābā Mohan of Goindvāl.

        GURDWĀRĀ SANGRĀṆĀ SĀHIB is located within a walled compound entered through an imposing two- storeyed gateway. The central building is a hall with a square sanctum in the middle. Above the sanctum is a domed room topped by a gold-plated pinnacle. Gurū kā Laṅgar, community kitchen, is on the right of the central building and on the left side is an old well and the sarovar, holy tank. Adjoining the sarovar is the dīvān hall. The Gurdwārā is managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee through a local committee.


    Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gur Tirath Saṅgrahi. Amritsar, n. d.

Gurnek Siṅgh