CHAṄGĀ, BHĀĪ, a Bhāṭṛā scion of Mādhav of Ceylon, became a devotee of Gurū Nānak. He converted the residence of Mādhav into a dharamsālā and started imparting instruction in the teachings of the Sikh faith. His name is mentioned in "Haqīqat Rāh Muqām, " an apocryphal composition included in Bhāī Banno's bīṛ, i. e. a recension of the Gurū Granth Sāhib prepared by Bhāī Banno, a Sikh contemporary of Gurū Arjan.


  1. Kāhn Siṅgh, Bhāī, Gurushabad Ratnākar Mahān Kosh. Patiala, 1964
  2. Mrigind, Makhaṇ Siṅgh, Itihāsak- Tribaiṇī. Patiala, 1977

Gurnek Siṅgh