CHHACHHRAULĪ, a small town about 12 km northeast of Jagādhrī (300 - 10'N, 770 -18'E) in Ambālā district of Haryāṇā, was the capital of the princely state of Kalsīā. Gurū Gobind Siṅgh is believed to have visited Chhachhraulī during his sojourn at Kapāl Mochan in 1688. The site was brought to light only in 1920 by Sant Harnām Siṅgh of Mastūāṇā, and the building was erected by Rāṇī Raṇbīr Kaur of Kalsīā in 1924. The Gurdwārā, called Santokhpurā, is situated in a forest half a kilometre east of the town across Som Nadī, a tributary of the River Yamunā. It consists of a single flat-roofed room to which a verandah on three sides has been added recently. The management is in the hands of Siṅgh Sabhā Chhachhraulī, independent of the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)