DALĪP SIṄGH, Babar revolutionary, belonged to the village of Gosal, in Jalandhar district. His father's name was Īshar Siṅgh. Dalīp Siṅgh passed his matriculation examination and became a teacher in a primary school in Jalandhar. During his spare time, he toured the surrounding villages making patriotic speeches. He was drawn into the Akālī agitation for Gurdwārā reform, but he was too radical by temperament for its non-violent strategy. He joined the secret Chakravartī group of Karam Siṅgh, of Daulatpur, and soon began to be counted among the leader's close associates. In March 1922, warrants for his arrest were issued for delivering speeches recommending to the people the creed of "reforming, " i. e. liquidating the jholīchuks or loyalists of the British. In October 1922, he was elected secretary of the newly-formed Babar Akālī Jathā. He helped in the production of its secret literature, including the newssheet Babar Akālī Doābā.

         Dalīp Siṅgh was arrested on 6 January 1923. During the course of his trial, he neither replied to any of the questions asked him nor signed his statement. For his seditious speeches he was sentenced, on 14 March 1923, to five years in jail. When the Babar Akālī conspiracy case trial began on 15 August 1923, he was tried afresh as one of the leaders of the movement and sentenced to transportation for life.


  1. Babbar, Sundar Siṅgh, Itihās Babbar Akālī Lahir. Amritsar, 1970
  2. Nijjhar, Milkhā Siṅgh, Babbar Akālī Lahir dā Itihās. Delhi, 1986
  3. Nijjar, B. S. , History of the Babbar Akalis. Jalandhar, 1987

Kamlesh Mohan