DAUDHAR, village 22 km southeast of Mogā (30º-48'N, 75º-10'E) in Farīdkoṭ district, claims a historical shrine called Gurdwārā Pātshāhī Pahlī te Chhevīṅ (first and sixth), commemorating the visits of Gurū Nānak and Gurū Hargobind, Nānak VI. Situated on a sandy mound amidst cultivated fields about one kilometre to the northwest of the village, the Gurdwārā is referred to in the Gurūshabad Ratnākar Mohān Kosh as Gobindgaṛh, but is locally known as simply Kuṭīā, i. e. a cottage. It originally celebrated the name of Gurū Hargobind who had halted here during one of his tours of the Mālvā, but, since the discovery, in 1914, of a copper plate and a seal during the diggings here, the name of Gurū Nānak has also been associated with it. The copper plate had on one side the inscription, Nānak Tapā īhāṅ rame. (Nānak, the ascetic, visited here), and on the other Pahlī Pātshāhī Chhemī Āe, (the First Lord (and) the Sixth came). The seal had a single word 'Nānak' on it. The plate and the seal are no longer there and were probably lost when the shrine was taken over from the Udāsī priests. The Gurdwārā, a small modest building, is now maintained by the village saṅgat.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)