DAULAT KHĀN LODHĪ, NAWĀB, an Afghān noble, was, during the last quarter of the fifteenth century, governor of Jalandhar Doāb with Sultānpur, a town in present-day Kapūrthalā district, as his capital. One of his officials, Jai Rām, was married to Gurū Nānak's sister, Nānakī. Jai Rām secured young Nānak employment as keeper of the Nawāb's granaries and stores at Sultānpur. Nānak applied himself to his duties diligently, and impressed everyone with his gentleness and open-handed generosity. Yet there were some who felt jealous of his growing repute. Complaints were carried to the Nawāb that Nānak was squandering his stocks; but checks made on two different occasions found the stores full and accounts correct. Some time later accusations were laid before the Nawāb about what was described as an heretical pronouncement made by Gurū Nānak. The reference was to the Gurū's pronouncement : "There is no Hindu and there is no Musalmān. " The Nawāb dismissed the complaint saying that Nānak was a faqīr whose words they did not easily understand. On the insistence of the Qāzī, Gurū Nānak was summoned to the court. As reports Purātan Janam Sākhī, the Nawāb finally said, "Qāzī, Nānak hath arrived at the truth. Any further questioning will be futile. " Likewise, Daulat Khān refused to intervene when Gurū Nānak's father-in-law, Mūl Chand, petitioned him to stop his son-in-law from leaving his home and family and launching upon his journeys abroad.

         Nawāb Daulat Khān later became the governor of the entire Punjab with Lahore as his capital. He however fell out with Ibrāhīm Lodhī, the emperor of Delhi, and, conspiring with the latter's uncle, 'Ālam Khān, invited Babar, the ruler of Afghanistan, to attack India. As Bābar led his armies into the country, Daulat Khān realized that he had come more like a conqueror and new master than like an ally, and turned against him, but he was no match for Bābar and suffered a defeat at his hands. Bābar stayed to establish his rule in India, whereas Daulat Khān died in obscurity.


  1. Vīr Siṅgh, Bhāī, ed. , Purātan Janam Sākhī. Amritsar, 1982
  2. McLeod, W. H. , Early Sikh Tradition. Oxford, 1980
  3. Harbans Singh, Guru Nanak and Origins of the Sikh Faith. Bombay, 1969

Gurnek Siṅgh