DE FACIEU, HENRI JOSEPH (d. 1893) son of Jean Alexis de Facieu, a colonel in the Sikh army, joined the Darbār's service in 1841. He commanded the Sher Regiment of Dragoons in General Ventura's brigade. After Mahārājā Sher Siṅgh's death, he left Lahore for Fīrozpur eventually moving down to Allāhābād where he set up business. The business, being ruined during the 1857 uprising, he left for Burma and joined the Burma army in which he rose to be a general. On Burma's annexation by the British in 1888, he retired and lived in Rangoon until his death in 1893.


    Grey, C. European Adventurers of Northern India (1785-1849). [Reprint] Patiala, 1970

Gulcharan Siṅgh