DIN-RAIṆ, lit. (din + rain) day and night, is the title (din-raiṇi) of a single 4-stanza hymn by Gurū Arjan Dev in the Mājh measure (GG, 136-37). The composition evidently follows the prosodic vogue of inscribing verses to kāl-krama (process of time) embracing forms such as bārāmāhā (twelve months of the year), thitī (lunar-dates) and vār (days of the week). Otherwise, the contents of this hymn are in harmony with the tenor of the entire text, i. e. praise of, surrender to, and love of God, the Ultimate Reality. Writing in the first person and in conversational style mixed with soliloquy, Gurū Arjan expresses the soul's yearning for reunion with the Lord and, besides panegyrizing the Timeless, Merciful, True Creator. He also gives homage to those who day and night remember and serve Him.

        dinu raiṇi ji prabh kauṅ sevade tin kai sad balihār -

        I am a hundred times sacrifice unto those who serve the Lord day and night;

        dinu raiṇi jisu na visarai so hariā hovai jantu -

        He who does not forget Him during day or night remains evergreen;

        sarab kaliāṇā titu dini hari parsī gur ke pāu -

        The day during which one worships at the feet of God-gurū brings total liberation.


         Besides using din-raiṇi as the title of this hymn, the term frequently appears in gurbāṇī impressing upon the devotees the need and significance of remembering the Name (nām) constantly during day and night. Other variations on the term are raiṇi-dinasu, din-rāti, nisi-dinu, rāt-dinant and plain dinu ar rāti.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)