DĪNĀ, village 15 km south of Nihālsiṅghvālā (300-35'N, 750-16'E) in present-day Farīdkoṭ district of the Punjab, is sacred to Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, who, after evacuating Anandpur in December 1705, came here and stayed a few days. Chaudharī Shamīr and Lakhmīr, grandsons of the local chief, Rāi Jodh, who had fought on the side of Gurū Hargobind in the battle of Mahrāj in December 1634, served the Gurū with devotion. A few hundred warriors from the surrounding districts joined Gurū Gobind Siṅgh here. According to tradition, it was from Dīnā that the Gurū despatched his famous letter in Persian, Zafarnāmah, lit. Letter of Victory, to Emperor Auraṅgzīb through Bhāī Dayā Siṅgh and Bhāī Dharam Siṅgh. The place mentioned in the Zafarnāmah is, however, Kāṅgaṛ, 2 km south of Dīnā. The commemorative shrine established here was named Gurdwārā Lohgaṛh Sāhib. The old building raised by Rājā Harindar Siṅgh of Farīdkoṭ in 1934 was replaced by the present complex constructed by the followers of Sant Gurmukh Siṅgh Kārsevāvāle during the 1980's. The sanctum at the far end of the dīvān hall has above it four storeys of rooms, with the dome at the top having a gilded pinnacle. The sarovar, holy tank, also constructed by the ruler of Farīdkoṭ, is to the west of the main building. The Gurdwārā is managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee. Besides the daily services and observance of major Sikh anniversaries, a religious fair is held every year on the occasion of Māghī, the first of the Bikramī month of Māgh usually corresponding with 13-14 January.


  1. Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gur Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Amritsar, n. d.
  2. Ṭhākar Siṅgh, Giānī, Srī Gurduāre Darshan. Amritsar, 1923

Gurnek Siṅgh