DUNĪ CHAND is described in Purātan Janam Sākhī as a Dhuppaṛ Khatrī of Lahore who held in the parganah the revenue rank of karoṛī (lit. the holder of a karoṛ or ten million). He was performing śrāddha or anniversary feast for his deceased father when he learnt that the holy saint Gurū Nānak had arrived in the city. He invited him to his house which displayed seven flags fastened upon the door-top. Asked what these flags signified, Dunī Chand proudly explained that they indicated the degree of his opulence, each flag denoting wealth worth a lac or a hundred thousand. The Gurū, continues the Purātan Janam Sākhī, gave him a needle and said, "Keep it as a deposit of mine. We shall take it from you in the next world. " Puzzled to hear this strange request, Dunī Chand took the needle to his wife and told her what the Gurū had said. "What is to be done now?" he asked her. "Go and give the needle back to the Gurū, " replied his wife. "Who can take anything with him from here to the hereafter?" Dunī Chand came and bowed at the Gurū's feet. He knew that his wealth would not go with him, nor would the victuals ritually offered to the Brāhmaṇs on the śrāddha day avail his father. The Gurū, says the Janam Sākhī, spoke to him, "Give in the name of the Lord. Put food in the mouth of the needy. Thus wilt thou have something to go with thee. "


  1. Vīr Siṅgh, Bhāī, ed. , Purātan Janam Sākhī. Amritsar, 1971
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1926-37
  3. Harbans Singh, Guru Nanak and Origins of the Sikh Faith. Bombay, 1969

Gurnek Siṅgh