DURGĀ, PAṆḌIT, or Durgo Bhambī, a Sārsvat Brāhmaṇ of Bhambī clan living in the village of Mihṛā or Maheṛā (location obscure), predicted great name and fame for (Gurū) Amar Dās when the latter even had not yet met Gurū Aṅgad. According to Sarūp Dās Bhallā, Mahimā Prakāsh, Amar Dās, at the time of one of his pilgrimages to Haridvār, halted at Mihṛā for rest in a house maintained by Durgā Paṇḍit for travellers. As he lay asleep, Durgā, who was an astrologer as well as a palmist, observed in one of his feet a lotus mark which is believed to be the sign of sovereignty or exceptional spiritual eminence. "He is a noble Kṣatriya, " said Durgā to himself. "Let me receive from him a promise for a reward”. As Amar Dās awoke, Durgā pronounced his prophecy. Amar Dās offered him money, but Durgā declined saying, "Not now. But do promise to give me what I ask for when my prediction is fulfilled. " Amar Dās gave him his word. Years later, as Gurū Amar Dās sat on the seat of Gurū Nānak, Durgā Paṇḍit called on him. No sooner did he set his eyes on the Gurū than all thoughts of claiming the reward he had come to seek vanished from his mind. He begged instead to be initiated a disciple. In the Sikh hierarchy, Paṇḍit Durgā held, as recorded in an old inscription in Gurdwārā Havelī Sāhib at Goindvāl, charge of a mañjī or preaching district around his own village, Maheṛā.


  1. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth . Amritsar, 1926-37
  2. Bhallā, Sarūp Dās, Mahimā Prakāsh. Patiala, 1971

Balbīr Siṅgh Dil