FATEH KHĀN ṬIWĀṆĀ (d. 1848) was the son of Khudā Yār Khān, a jāgīrdār in the neighbourhood of Ḍerā Ismā'īl Khān. The Sikh general, Harī Siṅgh Nalvā appointed him to take charge of Miṭṭhā Tiwāṇā, country in the upper regions of the Sindh Sāgar Doāb. On being implicated in the assassination of Rājā Dhiān Siṅgh in September 1843, Fateh Khān fled to Ḍerā Ismā'īI Khān and raised the standard of revolt. When in 1844 Dīwān Lakkhī Mall was sent from Lahore to punish him, Fateh Khān took shelter in the fort of Ṭonk, but was forced to flee. He remained in hiding in the trans-Indus territory. Later, he was implicated in the murder of Kaṅvar Pashaurā Siṅgh. After the first Anglo-Sikh war, Fateh Khān Ṭiwāṇā became the governor of Bannū. In November 1848, Herbert Edwardes sent him to suppress Sikh disturbances. A Sikh force brought him to bay in the fort of Dalīpgaṛh where he was killed in action.


  1. Sūrī, Sohan Lāl, Udmāt-ut-Twārīkh, Lahore, 1885-89
  2. Khushwant Singh, A History of the Sikhs, vol. II. Princeton, 1966
  3. Bhagat Singh, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and His Times, Delhi, 1990

Harī Rām Gupta