GHAṚŪĀṄ, a village 8 km east of Moriṇḍā (30º-47'N, 76º-29'E), is sacred to Gurū Har Rāi. He visited the place during his travels in these parts. Several people accepted his teachings. They established a dharamsālā in the village. This was replaced by a double-storeyed building with a high gateway during the nineteenth century. A part of this building is being used for residential purposes. The other portion has been demolished and a new hall, with prakāsh asthān in the centre, has been built. The Gurdwārā is managed by a village committee. The birth anniversay of Gurū Har Rāi is an important annual festival.

         Another historical gurdwārā in Ghaṛūāṅ is Gurdwārā Akāl Gaṛh Pātshāhī Naumī dedicated to Gurū Tegh Bahādur. Gurū Tegh Bahādur is said to have passed through Ghaṛūāṅ when travelling to Delhi in 1675. According to local tradition, he first went to the place inside the village commemorating the visit of Gurū Har Rāi. But the priests there, probably not recognizing him, treated him with indifference. He came back and retired to a quiet grove, about 300 metres north of the village. The villagers realizing their error came to make their apologies. They requested the Gurū to come to the dharamsālā, but he preferred to remain where he was. Next day he resumed his journey and went towards Nandpur-Kalauṛ.

         Another tradition places Gurū Tegh Bahādur's visit in or around 1670, when he stayed here for 10 days. A carpenter, Balap Rām, served him with much devotion. The Gurū healed many sick persons in the village.

         The Gurdwārā is a single room, near a small pond in a mango grove. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated in it and is attended by a Nihaṅg Sikh.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)