GIĀN SIṄGH, GIĀNĪ (1824-1884), scholar and theologian, was the elder son of Giānī Bishan Siṅgh, a collateral of the well-known Giānī house of Amritsar, headed by Giānī Sant Siṅgh and his son, Giānī Gurmukh Siṅgh. Giān Siṅgh was born at Amritsar about 1824. He received his education from his father at his home, in Kaṭṛā Rāmgaṛhīāṅ, near Chowk Bābā Aṭal. As he grew up, he started giving discourses on Sikh Scripture and history at Gurdwārā Thaṛā Sāhib, near the Akāl Takht, and later at Buṅgā Mānāṅvālīāṅ. His easy manner and clarity of exposition won him a large circle of admirers which included Hindus as well as Sikhs. Giānī Giān Siṅgh was also a poet of considerable merit. His Gurpurb Prakāsh, a book of verse in Braj, contains anecdotes from the lives of the Ten Gurūs. He also wrote in prose a commentary on the Japu(jī). Some of the works published by his son, Giānī Sardūl Siṅgh, are also attributed to him.

         Giānī Giān Siṅgh was one of the founders of the Siṅgh Sabhā. He participated in the meeting called in 1873 in Amritsar by some leading Sikhs following the announcement by four Sikh students of the Mission School to embrace Christianity. The meeting led to the establishment of Srī Gurū Siṅgh Sabhā, Amritsar. Giānī Giān Siṅgh was appointed secretary of the Sabhā.

         Towards the end of March 1884, Giānī Giān Siṅgh was invited to Gudwārā Kaulsar to give the inaugural recitation from a copy of the Gurū Granth Sāhib prepared by Bhāī Pratāp Siṅgh, the well-known calligraphist and granthī of his day. There, while reciting a hymn, he suddenly fainted. He remained in a coma for 50 hours and passed away on 30 March 1884. His death was widely mourned and he was cremated with due honours near Gurdwārā Bāba Aṭal Sāhib.


  1. Jagjīt Siṅgh, Siṅgh Sabhā Lahir. Ludhiana, 1974
  2. Harbans Singh, The Heritage of the Sikhs. Delhi, 1983

Jagjīt Siṅgh