GIRDHĀRĪ, BHĀĪ, a wealthy but childless shopkeeper from southern districts, who hearing of how a certain goldsmith had got offspring as a result of Gurū Amar Dās's blessing, made a pilgrimage to Goindvāl to see the Gurū. The Gurū uttered a ślokā (couplet) as he saw him: "None can erase what is writ on the forehead. What is written happeneth. He who hath spiritual insight understandeth this" (GG, 1413) . He advised Girdhārī to rejoice in God's will, repeat the Name and do good deeds. Girdhārī withdrew from the Gurū's presence crestfallen.

         Bhāī Pāro, a pious Sikh, observing Girdhārī's melancholy plight, spoke to him, "Do not be disheartened. If you have faith, you may still have not one but five children." As goes the tradition, Girdhārī in due time became the father of five sons. He travelled to Goindvāl with his sons to pay homage to Gurū Amar Dās and render gratefulness. Even as he made obeisance before the Gurū, Bhāī Pāro realized how he had unintentionally been an instrument in causing the marvel. He fell at the Gurū's feet in penitence. The Gurū blessed both Bhāī Girdhārī and Bhāī Pāro.


  1. Macauliffe, Max Aurthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909
  2. Bhallā, Sarūp Dās, Mahimā Prakāsh. Patiala, 1971

Balbīr Siṅgh Dil