GUJJARVĀL, village in Ludhiāṇā district, 30 km from the city (30º-44'N, 75º-43'E), has an historical shrine called Gurdwārā Gurū Sar Mañjī Sāhib Chhevīṅ Pātshāhī. Gurū Hargobind, during his tour of the Mālvā country in 1631, halted here and put up camp near a pool. Chaudharī Phatūhī of Gujjarvāl served him with devotion. But he became proud of the service he had rendered, and returned to the Gurū in state, attended by servants and richly attired, with a hawk on his hand, and asked the Gurū if he could do anything for him. The Gurū asked him to give him his hawk. Chaudharī Phatūhī was taken aback at this unexpected demand. He prized his hawk highly and did not want to part with it. When he hesitated and began to make excuses, the Gurū told him not to bother and keep the bird. It so happened that, as Phatūhī returned home, his hawk swallowed a thong and was acutely sick. All efforts to cure him failed. Phatūhī realized his error in denying the bīrd to the Gurū. He took the hawk to the Gurū and supplicated him to save his bird's life. The Gurū patted the hawk. He immediately vomitted the thong and got well. Phatūhi offered the hawk to the Gurū, who, however, declined saying that if Phatūhī had shed his pride, he need not make any further offering. The Gurū in fact bestowed a turban on Phatūhī which is still preserved by his descendants as a holy relic.

         The Gurdwārā building, constructed in 1935, is in a walled compound. The prakāsh asthān is under the cupola of a wide dome, about 10 metres across. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated in a wooden cabin, with glass panes covering its front and sides, and a handsome lotus dome and pinnacle, all covered with zinc sheets. In front of the prakāsh asthān is a large rectangular hall with a verandah on three sides. The square tank, Gurū Sar, is on one side of the long hall. The Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee manages the Gurdwārā through a local committee.


  1. Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gur Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Amritsar, n.d.
  2. Ṭhākar Siṅgh, Giānī, Srī Gurduāre Darshan. Amritsar, 1923

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)