GURBACHAN SIṄGH SANDHĀṄVĀLĪĀ (b. 1855), the eldest of the four sons of Ṭhākur Siṅgh Sandhāṅvālīā, the prime minister of the emigre government of Mahārājā Duleep Siṅgh at Pondicherry, was born in 1855 and was adopted by his uncle Partāp Siṅgh Sandhāṅvālīā. Gurbachan Siṅgh was nominated to the Statutory Civil Service and was in 1886 working as an assistant commissioner in the Punjab. In October of that year, he accompanied his father, Ṭhākur Siṅgh, with a small retinue of servants on a pilgrimage to Nāndeḍ, sacred to Gurū Gobind Siṅgh. From there the party proceeded to Pondicherry, a French possession near Madrās, where Ṭhākur Siṅgh started a campaign for the restoration of Mahārājā Duleep Siṅgh to the throne of the Punjab. Gurbachan Siṅgh, who had taken one month's leave extraordinary, did not report back for duty in the Punjab and was dismissed from service. In Pondicherry, he took charge of the correspondence, mainly in English, with Duleep Siṅgh and his supporters in different parts. He also established contact with the French authorities in Pondicherry and his letters to the Mahārājā were carried in the French diplomatic bag. After Ṭhākur Siṅgh's death in August 1887, Gurbachan Siṅgh's jāgīrs were confiscated by the British and he was allowed to come to India only in October 1890. In 1899 he entered the service of Rājā of Nāhan, becoming a district judge in 1911. He died there issueless.


  1. Jagjīt Siṅgh, Siṅgh Sabhā Lahir. Ludhiana, 1974
  2. Ganda Singh, ed., History of the Freedom Movement in the Panjab (Maharaja Duleep Singh Correspondence), Patiala, 1972

K. S. Thāpar