HARĪ CHAND (d. 1688), ruler of the hill state of Haṇḍūr, modern Nālāgaṛh, who took part as an ally of Rājā Bhīm Chand of Kahlūr in the battle of Bhaṅgāṇī, fought in 1688, 10 km northeast of Pāoṇṭā. Although he was an adversary, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh pays handsome tribute to his gallantry in his Bachitra Nāṭak : "The brave Harī Chand planted his feet firmly on the field and furiously discharged his arrows which went through and through his opponents." When one of the Gurū's cousins, Jīt Mall, fell in single combat with Harī Chand, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh mounted his charger and rode into the thick of the contest. He confronted Harī Chand and the action which ensued is thus described : "Harī Chand, in a rage, drew forth his arrows. He struck my steed with one and then discharged another at me, but God preserved me and it only grazed my ear in its flight. His third arrow penetrated the buckle of my waist-belt and reached my body, but wounded me not. As I felt the touch of the arrow, my wrath was aroused. I took up my bow and began to discharge arrows. Upon this my adversaries began to flee. I took aim and discharged another. The young chief, Harī Chand, was killed ."


  1. Bachitra Nāṭak
  2. Gupta, Hari Ram, History of the Sikhs, vol. I. Delhi, 1973
  3. Dhillon, Dalbir Singh, and S.S. Bhullar, Battles of Guru Gobind Singh. Delhi, 1990

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā