HĀṚŪ, BHĀĪ, Vij Khatrī, a Sikh of Gurū Arjan's time known for his devotion and humility. He received instruction from the Gurū himself and learnt how individual effort was necessary to self-realization even though God's grace was the final arbiter.

        The name figures in Bhāī Gurdās, Vārāṅ, XI. 20.


  1. Manī Siṅgh, Bhāī, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā. Amritsar, 1955
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33

Tāran Siṅgh