HĀṬHŪ SIṄGH, of Kahnā Kāchhā, a village in Lahore district (now in Pakistan), was an eighteenth-century Sikh warrior. According to Ratan Siṅgh Bhaṅgū, Prāchīn Panth Prakāsh, once while fighting against Durrānī invaders, his horse stumbled and fell over him. Hāṭhū Siṅgh could not drag himself out soon enough and was taken prisoner by the enemy. He was escorted to the presence of Ahmad Shāh, the Durrānī king, who ordered that he be thrown in front of a ferocious elephant to be trampled over. As the story goes, the royal orders were carried out but the elephant did not budge the ground. Hāṭhū Siṅgh was then cast amid two elephants facing each other. As the animals pulled their weight in opposite directions, his body was split into two.


    Bhaṅgū, Ratan Siṅgh, Prāchīn Panth Prakāsh. Amritsar, 1914

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)