HIMMAT SIṄGH JALLEVĀLĪĀ (d. 1829), son of Chaudharī Gulāb Rāi, a Baiṅs Jaṭṭ of Māhalpur, in present-day Hoshiārpur district of the Punjab, joined the Sikh forces which conquered Sirhind province in 1764, and secured for himself the village of Jallā, whence the family derived its cognomen of Jallevālīā. He later acknowledging the supremacy of the Nābhā chief joined his service. He represented the Nābhā ruler at the negotiations which led to the cis-Sutlej chiefs being taken under British protection in 1809. In 1812, he was induced by Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh to leave Nābhā and become his wazīr which office he held until his death in 1829. He and his four brothers were given in jāgīr Alāvalpur, in Jalandhar district, with a revenue of over a lakh of rupees. Himmat Siṅgh also received two villages south of the Sutlej from Fateh Siṅgh Āhlūvālīā, the Kapūrthalā chief. The famous Jalliāṅvālā Bāgh in Amritsar, the scene of the killing of hundreds of unarmed, defenceless Indians by a senior British military officer on 13 April 1919 belonged to Himmat Siṅgh Jallevālīā. Himmat Siṅgh's elder son, Albel Siṅgh was killed fighting for Raṇjīt Siṅgh, on the banks of the Jehlum in 1825. On Himmat Siṅgh's death the village of Alāvalpur passed on to his heirs subject to the provision of 180 horsemen.


    Griffin, Lepel, and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā