HĪRĀ SIṄGH (1875-1929), a Ghadr revolutionary, was born at the village of Charaṛ, in Lahore district, the son of Māhṇā Siṅgh. He left home as a young man and adventured abroad, reaching China where he made a considerable amount of money. He had his links with the radical elements and was in Hong Kong when he was banished from the Colony for his political activity (December 1914). Spending some time in Saigon and Bangkok, he returned to India. He continued to mix with the Ghadr migrants who had returned home from America and travelled to various places in Sindh and Balūchistān, ostensibly to purchase cattle but in reality to further the cause of the revolution. He seduced the sovārs of the 23rd Cavalry at Lahore to join hands with the members of the Ghadr party. On 9 June 1915, he was arrested and tried in what was known as the Supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case, 1915. On 30 March 1916 he was awarded death sentence which was later commuted to one of life imprisonment. He spent 13 years in different jails before he died on 6 February 1929 of a serious abdominal ailment in the Civil Hospital at Belgaum, in present-day Karnāṭaka state.


  1. Puri, Harish K., Ghadr Movement. Amritsar, 1983
  2. Mohan, Kamlesh, Militant Nationalism in the Punjab 1919-35. Delhi, 1985
  3. Jagjīt Siṅgh, Ghadr Pārṭī Lahīr. Delhi, 1979
  4. Deol, Grudev Siṅgh, Ghadr Pārṭī ate Bhārat dā Qaumī Andolan. Amritsar, 1970

Milkhā Siṅgh