HĪRĀ SIṄGH (c. 1706-1767), founder of the Nakaī misl or chiefship, was a Sandhū Jaṭṭ of the village of Bahiṛvāl, near Chūnīāṅ, in Lahore district, now in Pakistan. He was born the son of Chaudharī Hem Rāj, headman of the village. In 1731, he received the initiatory rites of the Khālsā at the hands of the celebrated Bhāī Manī Siṅgh, and took to the adventurous and daring way of life of the Sikhs of those days. A number of young men of neighbouring villages joined him in his exploits, and he collected a lot of goods and many cattle, camels and horses. When the Sikhs sacked Kasūr in 1763 and conquered Sirhind in 1764, Hīrā Siṅgh occupied Bahiṛvāl, Chūnīāṅ, Dīpālpur, Jambar, Jeṭhūpur, Kānganvāl and Khuḍīāṅ. He established his headquarters at Chūnīāṅ, 60 km from Lahore, on the road from Fīrozpur to Multān, and laid the foundation of the Nakaī principality -- so called after the name of the region known as Nakkā over which Hīrā Siṅgh dominated.

        Hīrā Siṅgh was killed in action in 1767 at Pākpaṭṭan which he had attacked.


  1. Seetal, Sohan Singh, The Sikh Misals and the Panjab. Ludhiana. n.d.
  2. Khushwant Singh, A History of the Sikhs, vol. I. Princeton, 1963
  3. Gupta, Hari Ram, History of the Sikhs, vol. IV. Delhi, 1982

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā