HĪRĀ SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (1880-1921), one of the Nankāṇā Sāhib martyrs, was the eldest of the four sons of Bhāī Būṭā Siṅgh and Māī Bhāgaṇ, farmers of modest means living in village Ṭauṅgāṅvālī in Gujrāṅwālā district (now in Pakistan). Under the influence of Bhāī Varyām Siṅgh, Hīrā Siṅgh turned an Akālī and was drawn into the movement for the reform of Gurdwārā management. He went through the rites of Khālsā initiation and attended the Akālī conference at Dhārovālī on 1-3 October 1920. He participated in the campaign for the liberation of Gurdwārā Kharā Saudā on 30 December 1920, and joined Bhāī Lachhmaṇ Siṅgh's jathā for the liberation of Gurdwārā Janam Asthān, Nankāṇā Sāhib, where he along with others was mowed down on 20 February 1921 by the hired assassins of Mahant Naraiṇ Dās, the custodian of the Nankāṇā Sāhib shrine.

         Since he had not married, his martyrs' pension of Rs 15 per month, granted by the Shiomaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee, was received by his mother.


    Shamsher, Gurbakhsh Siṅgh, Shahīdī Jīvan. Nankana Sahib, 1938

Gurcharan Siṅgh Giānī