ICHCHHAR SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (1877-1921), one of the Nankāṇā Sāhib martyrs, was the second of the four sons of Bhāī Sant Siṅgh and Māī Hukamī of the village of Baṇḍālā in Amritsar district. He received the rites of Khālsā pāhul at the hands of Bhāī Lachhmaṇ Siṅgh Dhārovālī. A few days before the Nankāṇā Sāhib occurrence Bhāī Lachhmaṇ Siṅgh came to his village to enlist volunteers for the liberation of Gurdwārās at Nankāṇā Sāhib. Bhāī Ichchhar Siṅgh and his brothers Dharam Siṅgh, Sammā Siṅgh and Bārā Siṅgh had their names enrolled. When the final call came on 19 February 1921, all of them joined the jathā at Dhārovālī and fell martyrs the following morning in the raining bullets in Gurdwārā jānam Asthān.



    Shamsher, Gurbakhsh Siṅgh, Shahīdī Jīvan. Nankana Sahib, 1938

Gurcharan Siṅgh Giānī