ĪSHAR SIṄGH (1882-1916), a Ghadr leader, was son of Sajjaṇ Siṅgh of the village of Ḍhuḍike, now in Farīdkoṭ district of the Punjab. He emigrated to Canada in 1907, but returned after four years. He did not stay long in his village and travelled again, this time to the United States of America where he became a member of the Ghadr party. As World War I broke out, Ghadr leaders called upon Indians to return home and prepare for an armed revolution. Īshar Siṅgh responded to the call and arrived in Calcutta in the third week of December 1914. He was not arrested until 14 September 1915. During this interval Īshar Siṅgh made his village the centre of revolutionary activity. He was arrested in the village of Mahimā Sarjā, then in the princely state of Farīdkoṭ . While in detention, he spent most of his time reciting the sacred bāṇī.

         In summing up his case at the Second Lahore Conspiracy Case trial, the judges said that they were satisfied that Īshar Siṅgh had returned to India "to subvert the Government; that he began to take an active part in the revolution from an early date and was present in the Ferozepore raid; that he took a leading part in the seditious activities in Dhudike, seducing many; that he was at the meeting on June 2 [1915] and foremost in planning the Kapurthala raid in which he participated, and that arms were found in the house occupied by him." Īshar Siṅgh was sentenced to death, with forfeiture of property and was hanged on 4 June 1916, in Central Jail, Lahore.


  1. Jagjīt Siṅgh Ghadr Pārṭī Lahir. Delhi, 1979
  2. Sahotā, Dharam Siṅgh, Ḍhuḍīke de Ghadrī Bābe. Dhudike, 1972
  3. Puri, Harish K., Ghadr Movement. Amritsar, 1983

Sohan Siṅgh Josh