JĀPŪ, BHĀĪ, a devoted Sikh of the time of Gurū Arjan. The Gurū taught him to join the saṅgat and practise nām, i.e. absorption in the Divine Name. Bhāī Jāpū's name is included among the Gurū's devotees in Bhāī Manī Siṅgh, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā.

        See also Bhāī Gurdās, Vārāṅ, Xl. 19


  1. Manī Siṅgh, Bhāī, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā. Amritsar, 1955
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33

Tāran Siṅgh