JODH SIṄGH WAZĪRĀBĀDĪĀ (d. 1809), son of Gurbakhsh Siṅgh, was a powerful eighteenthcentury Sikh chief. He possessed the parganahs of Wazīrābād, Kaṛiāl, Mītrāṅvālī and Talvaṇḍī Mūsā Khān, comprising about 500 villages. Jodh Siṅgh and Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh's father, Mahāṅ Siṅgh, were great friends, and both often joined hands together to fight against Sāhib Siṅgh Bhaṅgī of Gujrāt. At the siege of Sodhrā in 1792, Jodh Siṅgh is said to have betrayed Mahāṅ Siṅgh. Sāhib Siṅgh, who was besieged in the fort, was short of powder, and his surrender was certain. But Jodh Siṅgh, who feared that Mahāṅ Siṅgh would become too powerful were Sāhib Siṅgh to give in, supplied the latter with ammunition. Mahāṅ Siṅgh had been dangerously ill throughout the siege, and this treachery hastened his end. The action of Jodh Siṅgh is said to have been the cause of Raṇjīt Siṅgh's hostility towards him. But when Raṇjīt Siṅgh found that the Wazīrābād chief was too strong for him, he endeavoured to gain by stratagem what he was unable to take by force. He invited Jodh Siṅgh to Lahore, but the latter brought with him a large force. This Raṇjīt Siṅgh desired him to send back which he, too proud to show fear, did, and arrived at Lahore with only 200 picked men. Next day he attended court, leaving his escort outside. He was received by Raṇjīt Siṅgh with the greatest courtesy. Suddenly however the Mahārājā arose from his seat and made a sign to his attendants to seize the sardār. Jodh Siṅgh drew his sword and dared them to attack him, for, as he declared, he did not know how to flee. Raṇjīt Siṅgh loved a brave man. He became Jodh Siṅgh's admirer and dismissed him with honour and rich gifts.

        Jodh Siṅgh died in 1809.


  1. Sūrī, Sohan Lāl, Umdāt-ut-Twārīkh, Lahore, 1885-89
  2. Griffin, Lepel, and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909
  3. Bhagat Singh, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and His Times. Delhi, 1990

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā