JODHĀ RĀM (d.1845), a Brāhmaṇ of Jammū hills, was the father-in-law of Paṇḍit Jallā, adviser and confidant of Rājā Hīrā Siṅgh Dogrā, who became in 1843 the prime minister of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore. It was Jodhā Rām who captured Jawāhar Siṅgh, brother of Mahārāṇī Jind Kaur, by order of Prime Minister Hīrā Siṅgh. When Jawāhar Siṅgh assumed power in May 1845, he had Jodhā Rām executed.


  1. Chopra, Barkat Rai, Kingdom of the Punjab. Hoshiarpur, 1969
  2. Gupta, Hari Ram, Panjab on the Eve of First Sikh War. Chandigarh, 1956

Harī Rām Gupta