JOGĀ SIṄGH, a Sikh youth from Peshāwar, who had lived in the presence of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh (1666-1708) at Anandpur for many years and served him with devotion. One day as his parents, eager to see him married, arrived to escort him back home, the Gurū permitted him to depart, saying that he must return at once when recalled. Jogā Siṅgh was in the midst of his nuptials and had completed only two of the customary four circumambulations when a Sikh delivered to him the Gurū's letter of recall. He left the ceremony midway and, despite the protestations and importunities of his relations, immediately set out for Anandpur. The elation aroused in him by his prompt compliance with Gurū's summons gradually turned into a sense of self-esteem and conceit. As he halted for a night at Hoshiārpur, not far from his destination, Anandpur, he fell for the charms of a beautiful courtesan. But providence, as it were, came to his rescue. As he went to the woman's door, he felt as if it were guarded by a person who sharply reminded him of his Gurū and of his teaching. Jogā Siṅgh realized his error and was filled with remorse. Purged of his pride, he resumed his journey and presented himself before Gurū Gobind Siṅgh at Anand-pur with humility, and unashamedly told other Sikhs of how he had practically fallen and how he had been saved by the Gurū's grace.

         A gurdwārā named after Bhāī Jogā Siṅgh existed in Peshāwar until 1947.


  1. Kuir Siṅgh, Gurbilās Pātshāhī 10. Patiala, 1968
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33
  3. Harbans Singh, Guru Gobind Singh. Chandigarh, 1966

Piārā Siṅgh Padam