JUGĀVALĪ, attributed to Gurū Nānak, is an apocryphal text. It is not included in the Gurū Granth Sāhib. One version of it is available in the Prāṇ Saṅglī (chapter 79) edited by Sant Sampūran Siṅgh. He places it under Rāga Rāmkalī, and on the authority of some manuscript copy of a janam sākhī states that in a moment of ecstasy Gurū Nānak at a place called Chhuṭghāṭ, in the year 1569 Bk/ AD 1512, recounted to a disciple, Jhaṇḍā Bāḍhī, the history of the prolonged meditation he had undergone for full forty yugas, all the time concentrating on the name Vāhigurū. According to Sant Sampūran Siṅgh, Gurū Nānak repeated the same text to Rājā Shivnābh of Saṅglādīp (Srī Lanka) in 1574 Bk/AD 1518 when he visited that country. However, as the text has not been incorporated in the Gurū Granth Sāhib by Gurū Arjan, it has to be rejected as apocryphal. Bhāī Vīr Siṅgh (Purātan Janam Sākhī) affirms that it is the work of a yogi belonging to the Āī sect.

         The poem represents Gurū Nānak concentrating on different consonants of the name Vāhigurū for a total of 36 yugas (time cycles) of darkness and four yugas of light and cosmic creation. For the first nine yugas he contemplated on the consonant 'v', for the next nine on 'h', for further nine on 'g' and for the last nine on 'r'. In the four yugas of light (Sati, Tretā, Duāpar and Kali) he contemplated on the full name Vāhigurū. During these long ages of meditation and contemplation, he went through successive stages of spiritual advancement. The final realization came as he reached the presence of God, who commissioned him to re-establish dharma which had declined deplorably in the Kali age.


    Vīr Siṅgh, Bhāī, ed., Purātan Janam Sākhī. Amritsar, 1982

Tāran Siṅgh