KAIROṄ (31º-19'N, 74º-52'E), village in Amritsar district of the Punjab, has a historical shrine, Gurdwārā Jhāṛ Sāhib, sacred to Gurū Arjan (1563-1606). Located half a kilometre west of the village, it marks the site where the Gurū, during one of his journeys through the Mājhā country, stayed for a short time. The karīr tree (Capparis aphylla) to which, according to local tradition, the Gurū's horse was tethered was still standing until 1976 when it got uprooted in the construction work undertaken to renovate the building originally raised in 1925. The present building is a marble-floored hall, with the sanctum in the middle and a verandah all around. North of the hall is a small octagonal sarovar. The Gurdwārā is maintained by the local saṅgat or Sikh community.

Gurnek Siṅgh