KAITHAL (29º-47'N, 76º-23'E), district town of Haryāṇā, is an old historic place. Bhāī Desū Siṅgh, a descendant of Bhāī Bhagatū, a Siddhū jaṭṭ of Bāraṛ clan, occupied it in 1767 and made it the capital of the principality he had established. The state came under British protection in 1809 and lapsed to the British on the death of its third ruler, Bhāī Udai Siṅgh who died on 15 March 1843 without an heir. It was in Kaithal that, under the patronage of the last ruler, Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh wrote his monumental Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth, popularly known as Sūraj Prakāsh. There are two historic shrines in the town, both commemorating the visit of Gurū Tegh Bahādur.

        GURDWĀRĀ NIMM SĀHIB PĀTSHĀHĪ NAUVĪṄ is situated outside the old town to the west of it at a spot referred to in old accounts as Ṭhaṇḍār Tīrath. There used to be an old nimm (Margossa) tree here under which Gurū Tegh Bahādur had first sat and preached. He is believed to have cured patients by administering to them leaves from this tree. The sanctum of the Gurdwārā marks the site of the tree which existed till at least the third decade of the twentieth century when it was destroyed in a fire. The present building, in a walled compound, has a marble-floored assembly hall, with a sarovar close by. The Gurū kā Laṅgar is in a separate double-storeyed block. The Nishān Sāhib in front of the main building is topped by a goldplated khaṇḍā. Inside the hall, the Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated on a canopied throne of pure white marble. The hall is rectangular in shape with a verandah all around.

        GURDWĀRĀ MAÑJĪ SĀHIB is located inside the town. On this site lived a devout Sikh, Roḍā Bāḍhī, who was a carpenter by profession. When he heard that Gurū Tegh Bahādur was staying outside the town in the open, he went to make obeisance and to request him to shift to his humble dwelling. The Gurū granted his wish and stayed with him for a few days. Roḍā Bāḍhi's house opened on an open space where the saṅgat daily assembled to hear the Gurū's word. Bhāī Lāl Siṅgh, the son and successor of Bhāī Desū Siṅgh, had a small shrine constructed on the spot. This has now been replaced by a more imposing building.


    Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurduāriāṅ. Amritsar, n.d.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)