KĀLHĀ, RĀI, feudatory chief of Rāikoṭ in Ludhiāṇā district of the Punjab, was a contemporary of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh (1666-1708). Converted from Hinduism to Islam, the Rāi's family were still among the admirers of the Gurūs. When Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, after his escape from Chamkaur, was passing through his territory, Rāi Kalhā received him warmly and served him with devotion. He sent one of his own men to Sirhind to bring news of the Gurū's mother and his two younger sons, while he himself attended upon the Gurū who was then putting up at Lammāṅ-Jaṭpurā. As the messenger returned and narrated how the Gurū's sons had been executed under the orders of the Sirhind official, Rāi Kalhā was overwhelmed with grief. Gurū Gobind Siṅgh consoled him and before departing bestowed upon him three gifts a sword, a water-jug and a rack to hold a religious book for recitation. Kalhā kept these articles as sacred relics and so did his son after him. But his grandson is said to have put on the sword during chase. According to Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth, he hurt himself with it while attempting to kill a deer and died of the wound thus sustained. In British days, a descendant of the family presented the sword to the English deputy commissioner of Ludhiāṇā. It was ultimately sent to England, where it was kept in the British Museum. The other two relics were preserved in the family until 1947 when it migrated to Pakistan.


  1. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33
  2. Sukhā Siṅgh Bhāī, Gurbilās Dasvīṅ Pātshāhī . Lahore, 1912
  3. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909

Piārā Siṅgh Padam