KAPŪR SIṄGH (1628-1708), an ancestor of the Farīdkoṭ ruling house, was born the son of Lālā in 1628. He succeeded in 1643 his uncle, Bhallaṇ, to the chaudharīat or headship of the Brāṛ Jaṭṭs. He was a brave and able man, and consolidated his possessions winning many victories over Bhaṭṭī and other tribes in his neighbourhood. He at first resided at Pañj Grāīṅ, but subsequently founded Sārlīvālā, now a deserted place near Bagiāṇā, which he soon abandoned for a new site, Koṭ Kapūrā, named after himself, and which he is said to have founded in 1661 at the suggestion of Bhāī Bhagatū, a holy man who was an ancestor of the Kaithal family. The reputation for justice and benevolence which Kapūrā enjoyed induced many immigrants to settle in Koṭ Kapūrā which soon became a place of considerable importance. During his long life, Kapūr Siṅgh had the rare honour of serving Gurū Har Rāi and Gurū Gobind Siṅgh during their travels in his part of the country. It is said that he received the pāhul or rites of Sikh initiation at the hands of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh who bestowed upon him a sword and shield, still preserved in the family.

         In 1708, at the age of eighty, Kapūr Siṅgh was treacherously assassinated by his old rival 'Īsā Khān, a Mañjh Rājpūt, with whom he had a long-standing feud and who, in turn, fell at the hands of his revengeful sons, Sukhīā, Semā and Mukhīā.


  1. Griffin, Lepel, and G.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909
  2. Harbaṅs Siṅgh, Farīdkoṭ Itihās Bāre. Faridkot , 1947

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā