KARAM NARAIṆ (b. 1817), the third son of Dīwān Sāvan Mall, a Khatrī of Chopṛā caste, served the Lahore Darbār in different capacities. His grandfather, Hoshnāk Rāi, was in the service of Sardār Dal Siṅgh of Akālgaṛh and his father was governor of Multān. Karam Naraiṇ acted as the lieutenant of his father in the Leiah district carrying on civil duties as well as holding military command in the fort of Mankerā. He endeared himself to the people by his impartiality and liberal nature. After the death of his father, Karam Naraiṇ did not remain on good terms with his brother, Mūl Rāj, who even confined him in the house in 1847 for two months and, after his release, let him leave Multān with his share of paternal property. He settled at Akālgaṛh. He did not play any part in the rebellion of Mūl Rāj. He received a pension of Rs 400 from the British Government.


    Griffin, Lepel, and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā