KAUL, SOḌHĪ, or Soḍhī Kaṅval Nain (1638-1706), son of Bābā Harijī and a great-grandson of Bābā Prithī Chand, the elder brother of Gurū Arjan (1563-1606), was born at Muhammadīpur village in Lahore district of the Punjab (now in Pakistan). He was educated under eminent men of letters at Amritsar where his father had been in control of the Harimandar and other Sikh shrines since 1639 as head of the Mīṇā sect. About 1664 Soḍhī Kaul also spent some time at Lahore learning history, mythology and Persian. He became head of the sect after the death of his father in 1696. In 1699 control of the Amritsar shrines was taken over by Bhāī Manī Siṅgh and five other Siṅghs who had been sent for this purpose by Gurū Gobind Siṅgh from Anandpur. Soḍhī Kaul then moved to Ḍhilvāṅ Kalāṅ, a village gifted to him by Chaudharī Kapūrā of Koṭ Kapūrā in present-day Farīdkoṭ district of the Punjab. Gurū Gobind Siṅgh visited that village in December 1705 when Soḍhī Kaul and his four sons received him with honour. Here, at Kaul's suggestion, the Gurū discarded the blue attire he had put on at Māchhīvāṛā. One of Soḍhī Kaul's grandsons, Abhai Rām, undertook the vows of the Khālsā at the hands of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh and was renamed Abhai Siṅgh. Bābā Kaul's last days were spent at Koṭhā Gurū, a village founded by Prithī Chand, where he died in 1706. A shrine and a samādh in the village honour his memory.


  1. Balwant Siṅgh Giānī, Bābā Kaul Sāhib.
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33
  3. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Panth Prakāsh. Patiala, 1970
  4. Macauliffe, M.A., The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909

Giānī Balwant Siṅgh